VN5xMR Styli for Shure V15VxMR

Jico Stylus

Prices from $106.62 to $491.90
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VN5x styli for Shure V15VxMR

Shure's VN5x stylis was a highly developed Micro-Ridge stylus on Berrylium cantilever. Today this fine stylus is best replaced by one of JICO's excellent SAS styli on a boron, sapphire or ruby cantilever. These fine replacements offer the extreme stiffnes and low mass needed to match the original. We see the SAS on Boron as a sweetspot where you get the SAS cut without the price going through the roof. If money is no object then shoot for the stars with the Sapphire or Ruby version.

non-MR type styli for Shure V15VxMR

While the excellent SAS styli above are actually Micro-Ridge type styli as the original we also offer less expensive alternatives. These alternatives do not deserve a "MR" designation, because they are ellipticals or "Line Contact" styli - not Micro-Ridge styli. However they allow you to renew your V15VxMR with a more affordable stylus. If you are the lucky owner of a MR stylus we recommend a spare stylus for playing those garage finds the first time. Finally you may even prefer the more forgiving nature of one of these non-MR styli for some music types or records.

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Available. Dispatched within 2-5 working days.
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VN5xMR Styli for Shure V15VxMR options overview. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the DaCapo Team of needle experts if you need assistance choosing.

6536-B-SAS (06536-B-SAS) Super Analogue Stylus (SAS) diamond tip on a Boron cantilever for 33/45 RPM stereo records - JICO aftermarket part
6560-DE (06560-DE) Elliptical Diamond tip stereo needle for 33/45 RPM records - Tonar aftermarket part
6430-SHIBA (06430-SHIBA) Shibata Diamond tip stereo needle 33/45 RPM records - Tonar aftermarket part
6479-HYPEL (06479-HYPEL) Hyper-elliptical Diamond tip stereo needle for 33/45 RPM records - Tonar aftermarket part
6521-R-SAS (06521-R-SAS) Super Analogue Stylus (SAS) diamond tip on a Ruby cantilever for 33/45 RPM stereo records - JICO aftermarket part
6435-S-SAS (06435-S-SAS) Super Analogue Stylus (SAS) diamond tip on a Sapphire cantilever for 33/45 RPM stereo records - JICO aftermarket part

Our introduction article to Stylus profiles provide general insight. Please reach out to us for further assistance. We are happy to help.
Please note: While pleasant sounding, an Aftermarket product may differ from the original in all aspects. More about aftermarket items

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